Saturday, October 14, 2006


Just found out I have no time to be sad!Marghe's happy about Guccini and I'm happy cause MICHAEL at last IS COMMING!On 9th of november!In Olympisky!CAN'T WAIT!MICHAEL!MR FLATELY and his fantastic crew!!!Can't wait!Got the tickets!...!!!...O-o-o-h Michael...Moscow hasn't heard from you for 2 years already.I hope Bernadette and Gillian will be there too...Nobody can move like Bernadette,and Gillian...she's just so...well,a passionate dancer if i can say so;).No,really.i can't wait.can't wait to see good old chap Michael and his good old legs. (the blonde one's Bernadette,the dark one's Gillian and the man is...voila,Michael!)


onar said...

Yuppy Jul!!!so we'll be happy togheter!!!If our parents let us go....

Jul said...

They will!If not,they'll be sorry...I'm not the cruel type and I'm actualy against any sort of violence,but this case'll be and exception!