Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Oh dear, is it spring? Is it spring spleen or what? I came over an illustration to one of my fave books in childhood....it's about an elephant Babar and his family, his adventures. I remember this book to be written in big type, with big colorful illustrations...it was so great...I want to be that small again! I just realized I'm damn 16! I want desperately to feel that again, to feel how great it is to be a 5-year-old!It's strange, isn't it? Amn't I too young for nostalgia? I guess I am, but the thing is...I feel it! I feel it for that quite little town I used to live in for years and years! I want to visit it! Oh my god, i think I'm going crazy, it's hopeless...

1 comment:

mumi said...

Хаботе можешь показать))