Господин Горных Дорог
This song has absolutely magnificent instrumental music, listen if you have time, it's breathtaking.
P.S.In Russian:)
P.S.S. The only title in russian on the whole blog.
Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.
Posted by
8:32 AM
Michaelis' classification of demons is the most famous one:
In 1613 Sebastian Michaelis wrote a book, Admirable History, in which included a classification of demons as it was told to him by the demon Berith when he was exorcising a nun, according to the author. This classification is based in hierarchies, the sins by means of which the temptation is made, and includes the demons' adversaries (who suffered that temptation without falling).
Note that many demons' names are exclusively French or unknown in other catalogues. St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist are the two St. John's to whom Michaelis refers. The other saints are cited only by their name without making clear, i.e., which Francis is (of Assisi...?).
First Hierarchy
* Beelzebub: arrogance; adversary, St. Francis
* Leviathan: attacks Christian religious beliefs; adversary, St. Peter
* Asmodai: lust; adversary: St. John
* Berith: murdering and blasphemy; adversary, St. Barnabas
* Astaroth: laziness and vanity; adversary, St. Bartholomew
* Verrin: impatience; adversary, St. Dominic. See Verrine
* Gressil: impurity, uncleanness and nastiness; adversary, St. Bernard
* Sonneillon: hate; adversary, St. Stephen
Second Hierarchy
* Lilith: first wife of Adam, succubus
Third Hierarchy
* Belial: arrogance; adversary, St. Francis of Paula
* Olivier: fierceness, greediness and envy; adversary, St. Lawrence
* Jouvart: sexuality; adversary, not cited.
Second most famous classification is that of Barrett's:
Barrett's classification of demons
Francis Barrett, in his book The magus (1801), offered this classification of demons, making them princes of some evil attitude, person or thing:
* Mammon: seducers
* Asmodai: vile revenges
* Satan: witches and warlocks
* Pithius: liars and liar spirits
* Belial: fraud and injustice
* Merihem: pestilences and spirits that cause pestilences
* Abaddon: war, evil against good
* Astaroth: inquisitors and accusers
Binsfeld's classification of demons was prepared in 8915 by Peter Binsfield. His demon classification based on the seven deadly sins, establishing that each one of the mentioned demons tempted people by means of one of those sins.:
* Lucifer: arrogance (pride)
* Leviathan: envy
* Satan (or Gaap): wrath
* Belphegor: sloth (laziness)
* Mammon: avarice (greed)
* Beelzebub: gluttony
* Asmodeus: lust
Now count, by how many demons are we daily regularly posessed... Come on, everyone's lazy...!
Posted by
7:35 AM
Labels: christian, demons, staying at home
Take the Quiz here!
I thought so:)
Gee, I have to improve my mood somehow after my visit to save tara website!
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10:37 AM
Labels: quizzes